Dental Fillings: Your Post-Procedure Care

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If your tooth has experienced damage by decay or injury, we suggest a dental filling to preserve your oral health. At North Point Dental Group, LLC, we offer both composite and silver amalgam fillings. Upon completing the procedure, we ask that you follow proper care instructions to preserve your new filling.

Know how long the filling takes to set: amalgam and composite fillings can take a full 24 hours or longer to set, and are especially vulnerable within that time frame.

Chew carefully: Chew on the other side until the anesthesia wears off to avoid biting your tongue or lip. Children should be observed carefully while their mouths are numb because they may chew on their tongue or the inside of their cheeks. Composite fillings can be chewed on as soon as the anesthesia wears off.

Monitor tooth sensitivity: Your tooth (or teeth) may be sensitive after the procedure. Avoid hot or cold food during this time. If the sensitivity doesn’t fade over the next couple weeks, or grows worse, contact your dentist.

Check for high points: After the anesthesia fades, if your filling feels like it’s hitting first when you bite down, contact your dentist. The filling may need to be further adjusted to your bite. Biting down too hard on a dental filling can cause it to crack.

Maintain excellent oral hygiene: The best way to care for your new filling is to prevent further tooth decay. Brushing and flossing daily will prevent plaque buildup and keep the enamel strong, reducing the need for future dental fillings.

At the time of the procedure, Dr. Swensen or Dr. Balkins will provide specific instructions for your specific filling. However, if you would like more information on caring for dental fillings now, please contact North Point Dental Group, LLC at 541-754-4017.