A Loose Dental Bridge Needs Treatment from a Dentist

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Dental bridges play an important role in restoring a tooth that was extracted or lost to an untreated cavity. They are typically cemented in place with a strong dental adhesive. Yet there are times when trauma or poor oral hygiene can weaken the bond between a dental bridge and its anchoring abutment.

If you have a dental bridge that feels loose or is compromised in some way, you should not delay in having it treated at North Point Dental Group, LLC.

If you have blood or other unwanted material in your mouth from an accident you can gently rinse it away with lukewarm saltwater. Any other necessary cleaning should be left to Doctors Mark P. Swensen and Dr. Haslaml.

During your appointment the doctor can determine the severity of the problem and present you with the most effective treatment options. If both the anchoring abutments are healthy, the doctor might be able to clean your dental bridge and cement it back in place.

If an abutment has been damaged, he might need to perform a root canal. This will restore sufficient structure for securing a new dental bridge in place.

If you live in the Corvallis, Oregon, area and you have a loose dental bridge, you should call 541-754-4017 to seek professional treatment at North Point Dental Group, LLC