Bad Breath: What Can You Do?

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Do you worry about bad breath? Do you know what you can do to counter this problem?

While it’s normal to experience bad breath—everyone does occasionally—it isn’t a pleasant experience. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do.

One thing you can try is avoiding foods such as garlic and onions. Substances in these foods can work their way into your bloodstream, which eventually make their way into your lungs. This means you’ll breathe them out again, causing bad breath. Similarly, if you smoke, some chemicals may remain in your mouth, resulting in bad breath.

Similarly, try keeping your mouth wet. To do this, try eating a mint after you eat, try sugarless gum. Chewing gum will promote saliva flow which will carry bacteria out of your mouth. Conversely, mints contain sugar which can ultimately lead to bad breath and weaker teeth.  Also, try keeping your mouth wet. Drinking water or using a humidifier could help.

While this may not comes as a surprise, one crucial thing you can do to prevent bad breath is brushing and flossing your teeth. Again, doing so can remove the plaque and debris that cause bad breath. On a related note, if you are tempted to brush after you floss and brush right after you eat, don’t. Brushing within a half hour after eating can actually damage your teeth more than it helps. Again, we recommend chewing gum as an alternative.

Again, if you try these tips but your breath still returns, please visit your dentist. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with us, feel free to give us a call.