10 million people in our nation alone have been diagnosed with TMJ Disorder. Its central feature is jaw pain. Other specifics may include an aching pain inside and around the ear, facial pain, trouble chewing, and the locking of the jaw. You may also have a popping noise while you work on your jaw joints, but if there is no pain, you won’t require treatment.
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is responsible for the motion of your jaw. It is cushioned in cartilage and the center is separated by a small disk that is designed to soak up the shock of your mouth’s movements. TMJ disorder can be the result of the erosion or misalignment of the cartilage or disk. It can take place as a side effect of arthritis or in the aftermath of a blow or another type of forceful impact. Many people tense their jaw due to stress, bruxism, leaning on the chin or biting your nails, which can over time create TMJ symptoms.
Sometimes TMJ occurs on its own without any treatment. If your symptoms are unremitting, however, Drs. Mark P. Swensen and Dr. Haslam can offer you many courses of relief and treatment. Medication, mouth guards, physical therapy, and even counseling can all be viable choices. Just call 541-754-4017 to visit our North Point Dental Group, LLC office in Corvallis, Oregon, today!