The Various Causes and Cures for Stained Teeth

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With the bevy of over-the-counter whitening options available, having a whitening procedure performed at the dentist’s office may seem a bit redundant. However, the fact remains that it’s actually much easier, quicker, and efficient to get whitening done at the dentist’s office.

Over-the-counter whitening systems can be hit-or-miss. Many of the products can be dangerous to your teeth and gums, and some have shown to not even work at all. Before using any over-the-counter teeth whitening kits, please consult your dentist.

It’s also important to remember the underlying causes of color deterioration in teeth. Below are a few of the reasons teeth can lose their shine and color:

– Avoid using and/or smoking tobacco.

– Try to avoid improper or untimely oral hygiene habits.

– Avoid consuming food and drinks which can stain your teeth (including tea, wine, coffee, and soda).

– Various medications can cause tooth discoloration.

– Illnesses to the mouth or body can cause tooth discoloration.

– As with everything in our bodies, teeth age over time.

– Fluorosis can cause tooth discoloration.

If you would like to make an appointment to get your teeth professionally whitened by Drs. Mark P. Swensen and Dr. Haslam, please call North Point Dental Group, LLC at 541-754-4017 or come to our office in Corvallis, Oregon.